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Academy for Early Opera & Dance,

Institute at Moscow State Theatre Natalya Sats


OPERA OMNIA was founded by Andrew Lawrence-King under the guidance of Georgy Isaakyan to support professional productions of baroque operas at Theatre Sats, to offer affordable training in Early Music to professionals and advanced students, and to support the entire Early Music community in Moscow and beyond. 


The first Children's Theatre was founded in 1918 by Natalya Sats, who survived Stalin's purge, labour camp in Siberia and exile in Kazakhstan , to see her theatre re-established close to Moscow University, in a new building decorated with statues of characters from Peter & the Wolf which she had commissioned in 1936. The modern-day Theatre Sats carries forward her values and welcomes audiences of all ages with adventurous programming, not only classic children's favourites, but also baroque opera, an award-winning production of Love of Three Oranges, and many new works every season.


All Opera Omnia's activities were put on indefinite hold in January 2022. We hope for better times soon. Meanwhile, Andrew continues to offer support and online training privately to individual Russian early musicians wherever they may be.

Theatre Sats productions:

Cavalieri Anima e Corpo Golden Mask

Hidalgo Celos aun del aire matan

Handel Orlando Nominated for Golden Mask
Monteverdi Orfeo Eugene Onegin award, nominated for Golden Mask

Baroque Opera Studio productions

with historically informed staging & music:

Landi La morte d'Orfeo St Petersburg Philharmonic

Monteverdi/Lawrence-King Arianna

Purcell King Arthur

Landi Sant' Alessio







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Music  of  Time

Andrew Lawrence-King

Musique  du Temps

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